Kitigan Zibi Human Resource Department Online Centre
Welcome to the Kitigan Zibi Human Resource Department Online Centre (KZHRDOC).
The main goals and services of the KZHRDOC are to offer
- On the job training
- General project / wage
- Workforce stabilization
- Welfare subsidy
- Youth Strategy.
The Kitigan Zibi Human Resource Development Board provides funding for Professional training and Academic Upgrading. (Must be 18 and a member of the Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg to apply).
The KZHRDOC also offers the Urban Strategy Program, which is a fund for off-reserve clients, and features the same programs as above.
Please note, all services are subject to the availability of funding.
Kitigan Zibi Employment and Training Officer
The Employment Officer assists Band members with various services for job searching and training opportunities. The following is a list of services offered:
- Employment Counselling
- Job Search Techniques (resume writing)
- Preparation for Job Interviews (employment contacts)
- Job Placement Referrals (on and off reserve)
- Training Requests/Financial Assistance Information
- Information on Employment Programs for clients and employers
- Oversees the financial planning for Training and Employment Programs
- Issues payments and allowances to clients and employees who participate in Training and Employment Programs
Please contact Janet Brascoupe for more Information or to schedule an appointment with a KZA Employment Officer.
819-449-5170 ext. 1400